My Background ....
My first family history questions and tree charts were developed in 1964!
I've been intensively investigating individual and family history matters since 1984.
Ever since, I've been writing personal and family histories and crafting family tree charts
– both for my own interest, and to satisfy the desires of others.
My formal educational background is one of historical geography
(BA Hons - Queen's University, Kingston; Dean's Honour List 4 years running).
I constantly upgrade my broad skill and knowledge bases with participation in a wide variety of classes, workshops and seminars.
The right to append the postnomial 'UE' to my name was conferred by the United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada, in the mid-1990s. Arising from a Proclmation issued in 1784, my descent from two unrelated United Empire Loyalists was documented, and the lineages were formally acknowledged. These were men who defended the right of the British Crown in North American colonies during the American Rebellion of 1775-1784. They both evacuated with their families from the Province of New York to Quebec in 1777-1778, and ultimately settled on the Gaspe peninsula side of the Bay des Chaleurs in Quebec in 1784.