Key Public Service Posts ....
Chair, Kingston Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society (now Ontario Ancestors), 1999.
Initiated and saw to conclusion (with a team of fantastic volunteers) a Project to index all of the Parish Register holdings at the Anglican Diocese of Ontario Archives.
Branch Genealogist, Kingston and District Branch, United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada.
Initiator and Co-ordinator, Frontenac County, Ontario Gen Web (now dormant).
Initiator and Co-ordinator, Leeds and Grenville County, Ontario Gen Web (now dormant).
Initiator and Co-ordinator, Lennox and Addington County, Ontario Gen Web (now part of the Bay of Quinte GenWeb).
Developer and Owner, EONTGEN-L - a mailing list with more than 600 very active participants, devoted to topics of genealogy/family history, geography, and history relevant to Eastern Ontario, Canada (active July 1997 through May 2012).
Developer and Owner, surname interest mailing lists - Bradbury, Lamont, Maddock, Murdock and Murduck [hosted on servers at two North American universities at different times] (from 1994, all now dormant).
Developer and Owner - web sites <> and <>, from 1994 continuing.
Initial developer and host, web site for Kingston Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, March 1997.