A Stunning
Imperial Mail Marking Machine Cancel
from Ottawa, Canada,
16 July 1897
This cover is stunningly beautiful in it’s simplicity.
The envelope appears in size [5 1/8” x 4 3/16”] to be something that we might equate today with a greeting card.
It’s franked with a very well centred 3¢ rose Queen Victoria Jubilee stamp [Scott/Unitrade No. 53]. The full set of 16 'Jubilee' stamps, ½¢ to $5.00 denominations, were issued on 19 June 1897 to celebrate Queen Victoria's 60th year of reign, which began on 20 June 1837.
The stamp was canceled in Ottawa, Canada, on 16 July 1897, less than one month after the stamp was first issued for use.
The cancellation is an almost perfect impression of a dater from an Imperial Mail Marking Machine [Sessions Type Y]1, with an obliterator which also highlights Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubliee on the throne, 1837-1897 [Sessions Type F4]. This particular obliterator was used on the machine in Ottawa only between 21 June 1897 and 6 August 1897.
- Details
- Written by: Bruce D. Murduck
- Category: Postmarks and Cancellations